Welcome to our website
Sifiraresreplicas is the only website that offers you exceptionnal 3D printed models of extremely rare science-fictions kits and models. The only limit of our service is your imagination. While having around more than 300 models in stock we will show you day after day more and more new kits and models from science-fiction Tv shows and movies. Beeing a huge fan of Scifi since i can remember, i always wanted to have a model kit that wasn't for sale in commerce. Soo the only solution was to create those models and kits myself. Now the moment has come to share this continueing adventure with all the scifi fans out there.
Please be welcome at Sifiraresreplicas : The only place to be for rare or non-existing science-fiction model kits.
Visitor's notice
All the pictures used on this site are the proprety of they owner or of sifiraresreplicas. They may not be used in any matter at all because of the copyright linked to them. All the kits made by sifiraresreplicas are based on 3D meshes wich are all copyrighted by us. This notice will be updated when needed. Thanks too all.
02/21/2016 06:54Star Trek extremely rare 3D printed models
02/21/2016 00:45Star Wars extremely rare 3D printed models .
02/21/2016 00:43New to Come : "Atreïdes transport ship" from the movie "DUNE"
02/20/2016 15:17The Scorpio 3D model kit from tv show "Blake's 7". A one of a kind job.
02/20/2016 09:12Visitors notice
02/21/2016 18:00Website launched
02/20/2016 17:59On the bench and soon availible on sifiraresreplicas.
Battlestar Galactica " Brimir " Class "Nobility spaceship" from the tv show Nobility.
T'Paul personnal shuttle from tv show "Star Trek Entreprise " "Mothership" from tv show " V " 2010
Vulcan ship " T'plana-hath" from the movie " Star Trek : Vulcan ship " Vahklas " from tv show " Star Trek "
First Contact ".